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Alec Houle

Boston Carpet Cleaning

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle  on  Tuesday, 31 January , 2017  in   Carpet Cleaning
Boston Carpet Cleaning   Why is carpet cleaning in Boston so different from carpet cleaning in other places? Honestly, you could put carpet cleaning into different categories. The two largest categories are whether it is in a large metropolitan area or the suburbs. When cleaning carpets in a suburb, few restrictions define what method you… Continue reading Boston Carpet Cleaning
Hits: 9148
Alec Houle

Wool and Jute Rugs

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle  on  Sunday, 22 January , 2017  in   About Rugs
The Uses of Jute in Rugs For those of you that are not aware, Jute is a long, soft, shiny vegetable fiber that can be spun into coarse, strong threads. It is produced primarily from plants and is one of the most affordable natural fibers and is second only to cotton in amount produced. Jute… Continue reading Wool and Jute Rugs
Hits: 11555
Alec Houle

Area Rugs With Wrinkles

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle  on  Monday, 16 January , 2017  in   About Rugs
What Causes Wrinkles in Area Rugs We have all seen it. A nice big wrinkle in your custom area rug that looks terrible, people trip over it and you just can’t get rid of it. There is a relatively simple reason for this. Many custom areas rugs are made of all-natural fibers. Whether it is… Continue reading Area Rugs With Wrinkles
Hits: 8763
Alec Houle

Upholstery Cushions With Down

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle  on  Sunday, 8 January , 2017  in   Upholstery Cleaning
This discussion is in regards to one of the issues when down feathers are used in the cushions of upholstery. Although down is considered more luxurious and used in higher quality furniture these down feathers are considered a fire hazard. As a result, the cotton ticker that covers the down feathers is treated with a… Continue reading Upholstery Cushions With Down
Hits: 6951
Alec Houle

What Type Of Cloth To Use To Absorb A Spill From A Carpet

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle  on  Sunday, 10 April , 2016  in   Spot Cleaning
What Type Of A Cloth To Use To Absorb A Spill From A Carpet   We all spill things occasionally and we know we should blot up the spill as soon as possible. When it comes to spills on carpets or upholstery, there are things to consider. It just comes down to what is the… Continue reading What Type Of Cloth To Use To Absorb A Spill From A Carpet
Hits: 9211