Wednesday, 12 March 2025

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Category: Carpet Cleaning

Alec Houle

Best Boston Carpet Cleaner

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle Published
Categorized as Carpet Cleaning Tagged , , , ,
  Ever wonder who is the best Boston carpet cleaner?  Well, you’re not alone.  Many people living in Boston want to know. Many homes in Boston have very expensive wall-to-wall carpets as well as some very costly custom-made area rugs and these carpets are not for the novice carpet cleaner.   Many of these area… Continue reading Best Boston Carpet Cleaner
Hits: 7886
Alec Houle

What’s The Best Way To Clean An Oriental Rug ?

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle Published
Categorized as Carpet Cleaning Tagged , , , ,
What is the best way to clean an Oriental rug? There are many different theories about the best way to clean Oriental rugs. In reality, there are several considerations to determine what is the best way to clean them.  Do you have a hand-knotted or machine-made rug and is it make of wool, silk, or… Continue reading What’s The Best Way To Clean An Oriental Rug ?
Hits: 6985
Alec Houle

Got black edges along your carpet?

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle Published
Categorized as Carpet Cleaning Tagged , , , ,
Preventing those black lines along the edges of your carpeting ……. They are called soil filtration and will usually appear if you live in a major city like Boston or if you live in the suburbs and have a garage under or even sometimes an oil-fired heating system. It’s soot that is drawn into the… Continue reading Got black edges along your carpet?
Hits: 7102